
Blade assembly details for Mountfield Princess38Li 20121602 2012 model

Parts list

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Please note, that the prices are for individual items

Items might appear more than once on the drawing, please check and adjust the quantity you require.

001381004352/1BLADE BOLT M9£4.52 Add to
002181004162/0WINGED BLADE EL380 BATTERY£17.04 Add to
003322465644/1FAN/BLADE HOLDER£6.42 Add to
004112728699/0SELF-TAPPING SCREW K60 x 22£2.06 Add to
005322207227/0BATTERY MOTOR FLANGE£12.46 Add to
006118563513/0BATTERY MOTOR 36V£177.43 Add to
007118206001/1CONTROLLER 36V EL38 Li£150.18 Add to
008112728714/0SELF-TAP SCREW K50 x 20£2.40 Add to